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Gretchen’s Life Day – 176

10 Nov

We carved pumkins the night before Halloween. What fun! We even toasted the pumpkin seeds just like my mom & dad used to do with us kids.

Gretchen’s Life Day – 175

10 Nov

Here are some Halloween pics. Samantha was a glow in the dark stick figure. Caleb was a zombie. Logan was SWAT guy that had been in a blast and Ej was a good witch.

Gretchen’s Life Day – 174

10 Nov

Today, Ellaray saw Caleb and Logan sitting down watching t.v. She came up behind them and stuck her head in-between them with an arm draped over each of their shoulders. Then she says, “Best friends forever”. I love that girl!

Gretchen’s Life Day – 173

24 Oct

My 8 year old son, Logan just sat me down at the computer. He showed me his Power Point presentation on the Dallas Cowboys. He’s 8! How does he know how to do a Power Point presentation? I was 28 before I learned how to do that. I’m thinking he has his Uncle Stephen’s talent for computers. Certainly not mine as I chicken peck my way through this blog. 🙂

Gretchen’s Life Day – 172

22 Oct

Ellaray has never seen anyone eat a Oreo cookie. So, being the fabulous mom that I am I sat her down with a whole box. She proceeded to take apart everyone and lick the creamy center out. How did she know to do that?

Gretchen’s Life Day – 171

23 Sep

The downside of owning a restaurant, I no longer feel like cooking my family dinner. I feel at the end of the day when dinner time rolls around I lack the creativity and energy to put dinner on the table. If I was rich we would eat out every night. If I was filthy rich I would hire a personal chef. As none of those scenarios apply to me I am forced to drag my butt into our kitchen and try to fix up something semi-healthy and yummy for dinner. With 4 kids and a husband who are all picky it is a daunting task.

Gretchen’s Life Day – 170

22 Sep

I don’t mean to sound ageist but seniors on those scooters in the grocery store can be out of control! One lady was driving so fast and so close behind me that I feared if I stopped I would be rear ended. Then I get in the checkout line and she revs up her scooter and squeezes in line right in front of me! What do you say to an old lady in a scooter that nearly runs you over then cuts in front of you in line? Who knows maybe when I’m 80 I’ll be running over people with my scooter. 🙂

Gretchen’s Life Day – 169

22 Sep

I sware she was just out of my sight for a minute!

Ellaray's artwork

Gretchen’s Life Day – 168

21 Sep

I missed a big moment in Ellaray’s little life today. She was with the sitter while I was at work. The sitter started to change her diaper and Ellaray said ” potty” and ran to the toilet and went pee. She is potty training herself. This is going to be so easy. It makes me so sad that I missed it. I hate working 😦

Gretchen’s Life Day – 167

20 Sep

Today is my dad’s birthday. I can’t imagine my life with out him. We have been through our hard times together but now we are all have grown-up 🙂  and have grown to love each others differences.  I adore him and think that the world is a better place because he is in it. Happy birthday dad.